Monster Energy Exporter

Kinds and logistic information

Monster Energy Exporter

Eu Foods Ltd.: Your Reliable Monster Energy Exporter
At Eu Foods Ltd., we take pride in being your go-to Monster Energy exporter. We understand the demand for this iconic energy drink brand, and we’re here to supply it to markets worldwide. Now we are proud to say we can offer ro our customers a variety of popular FMCG brands such as Monster, Red BullCoca-colaPepsi, etc. 

As a Monster Energy exporter, we offer an extensive range of Monster Energy products to meet your business needs. Whether you’re looking for classic flavors, specialized varieties, or bulk quantities, we’ve got you covered. The variety and logistics information can be seen below. For your convenience, each truck we load contains a total of 28 pallets of Monster Energy, ensuring that your orders are handled with efficiency and precision.

Quality and Consistency
When you choose Eu Foods Ltd. as your Monster Energy exporter, you’re choosing quality and consistency. We understand that your customers demand the best, and we’re dedicated to delivering just that.

Monster Energy Exporter- flavours and logistic information.

Monster Dz Green, 500ml 
Number of cans in case- 24.
Number of cans on pallet- 1440.

Monster Ultra Zero, 500ml 
Number of cans in case- 24.
Number of cans on pallet- 1440.

Monster Mango, 500ml 
Number of cans in case- 24.
Number of cans on pallet- 1440.

Monster The Doctor, 500ml 
Number of cans in case- 24.
Number of cans on pallet- 1440.

Monster pipeline punch 500ml can

Monster Pipeline, 500ml 
Number of cans in case- 24.
Number of cans on pallet- 1440

Monster paradice can 500ml

Monster Paradise, 500ml 
Number of cans in case- 24.
Number of cans on pallet- 1440

Monster Ginger 500 ml can

Monster Ginger, 500ml 
Number of cans in case- 24.
Number of cans on pallet- 1440

Mango Fiesta 500ml can

Monster Fiesta, 500ml 
Number of cans in case- 24.
Number of cans on pallet- 1440

Monster Monarch juice 500ml can

Monster Juiced Monarch, 500ml 
Number of cans in case- 24.
Number of cans on pallet- 1440

Monster absolutely zero can 500ml

Monster Absolutely Zero, 500ml 
Number of cans in case- 24.
Number of cans on pallet- 1440

Moster lewis Hamilton 500ml

Monster Lewis Hamilton, 500ml 
Number of cans in case- 24.
Number of cans on pallet- 1440

All of our FMCG range of products. 

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