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Mineral water 

This is the first product of the company.

Natural mineral water suitable for everyday usage with neutral savor.


Because of the low content of sodium and other macro and micro components, the mineral water is suitable for preparation of food for breastfed babies and small children, as well as the keeping of a diet poor in sodium.

The total mineralization of the water is 0,371 g/l. It is characterized as hypothermal little mineralized, hydro carbonated calcium – magnesium, of little sodium content, without sanitary and microbiological indications of pollution. The content of the examined micro components and the values of the radiological indicators are within the limits of the norms for the mineral waters. The water has stable physical-chemical contents and characteristics and conforms with the requirements of the Regulation for the requirements against the bottled natural mineral, spring and table waters  intended for drinking

BreezyWater Pink line product portfolio and packing details:

mineral water 500ml
  • Bottle 0.5L   (12 pcs in pack, 1368 pcs on pallet)
  • Bottle 1.5L   (6 pcs in pack, 504 pcs on pallet)
  • Bottle 5L   (1 pcs in pack, 144 pcs on pallet)
  • Bottle 10L   (1 pcs in pack, 72 pcs on pallet)
  • Bottle 19L   (1 pcs in pack, 36 pcs on pallet)
mineral water 1L
mineral water 5L
mineral water 10L
mineral water 19L

Valuable chemical information 

The treating and prophylactic characteristics of the mineral water are defined by the availability of hydro carbonated, calcium and magnesium ions, as well as by its hypo tonicity. The drinking form of balneological treatment with this type of waters influences mainly the gastric tract, the bladder and liver system and the kidney secretors system. It also helps the decrease of the hyperacidity of the gastric juice. There is a weak choleric, holetsistokinetic and a definite ureic effect. The availability of calcium ions defines the beneficial effect with allergic illnesses and it makes the water suitable for cavity prophylaxis and the prophylaxis of osteoporosis. When used for treatment through inhalation, it shows its secretarial effect.


When used for drinking balneflogical treatment and balneo prophylaxis  it has good effect with the following diseases: allergic; metabolite and endocrine (gout, diabetes), kidney-ureic (kidney-stone disease, chronic pyelonephritis with compensated kidney function, conditions after lithotripsy, after operational conditions, etc.); gastronomic (chronic gastritis, gastroduodinites, ulcer, entero colitis, after operational conditions, etc.);  bladder-liver (stones in the bladder, chronic hepatitis, duskiness of the bladder tracts, after operational conditions, etc.); chronic professional intoxications with people exposed to harmful substances – lead, radionuclii, toxic substances from the pharmaceutical industry, etc.)


For the drinking balneological treatment and balneo prophylaxis, it is necessary to keep strictly defined methodologies and doses (quantity of the water drunk, temperature and way of in taking, duration of the treatment and prophylactic course).


The use of the mineral water for drinking balneological treatment and balneology prophylaxis is under medical prescription, with the strict keeping of definite methodologies and dosages (quantity of the water drunk, temperature and way of in taking, duration of the treatment and prophylactic course).


When used for balneological treatment through inhalation   (after respective timing) it has beneficial influence with non specific diseases of the upper respiratory tracts (chronic rhinitis, rhinisinuits, laryngitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, etc.)


When used for outer balneo treatment and balneology prophylaxis  (after respective timing) it has beneficial influence with the above specific  diseases as well as the following diseases of the inner organs with the following diseases: of the locomotors system apparatus (chronic degenerative and inflammatory joint illnesses, myopias, tendinitis, etc.); of the periphery neuron system ( poliradioculineuritis, plexus, etc.); gynecological (functional disorders in the menstruation cycle, chronic andesitic, endometritis, etc.).

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